Case: Journey to the Soul (2008)

JourneyRabbi Jonathan M. Case self-published a book titled, Journey to the Soul: Kabbalah’s Pathway for Your Present and Future through Outskirts Press. The publisher put up a webpage through which the book can be ordered and even issued a press release. The author has a blog and a website  and the book is available even at One the blog he gives weekly drashot. On the website meditations are posted and a few nice images. One would think that through all these channels I could get a fuller picture what the book is about. But at every one of these places only these few lines I repeated. So I repeat them here too. Maybe it is helpful enough for some. I feel that I only got a vague teaser. That means nothing though about the quality of the book.

A hunger grips the world. It yearns to be filled by the answer to the ultimate question: Why am I alive? The voice is incessant. If it is ignored there will be consequences.

Sometimes climaxing as a “mid-life crisis” which can have dramatic implications; other times surfacing as an “existential crisis” at any age, this unspoken and unanswered question can form the core of wrenching sadness, deep angst and some awful choices. There is an answer. Through sources that span millennia and using examples from real lives, here is a richly woven tapestry using stories, lore, aphorisms and the mystic tradition of Kabbalah. Here are the answers you have been seeking.

Come, drink deeply and walk into life…

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