Bovo d’Antona by Elye Bokher. A Yiddish Romance by Claudia Rosenzweig

Bovo d’Antona by Elye Bokher. A Yiddish Romance by Claudia Rosenzweig

Bovo d’Antona by Elye Bokher (Elyiahu ben Asher haLevi Ashkenazi, 1469-1549) is a chivalry poem written in Yiddish in Padoa, in the year 1507, and printed under the author’s supervision in Isny (Germany) in the year 1541. The present book intends to present a critical edition of this poem, together with a commentary. An introduction will focus on various related questions, such as the place of the Bovo d’Antona in European literature and in Italian literature, Bovo d’Antona and the chivalric genre in Old Yiddish literature, the analysis of the manuscript versions in comparison with the printed edition, the relationship with the Italian source and the readership. An appendix will deal with later transformations of the Bovo-Bukh.

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