My Dear Otto by Saul Stier

My Dear Otto by Saul Stier

My Dear Otto is the unique narrative of Kurt Glick, a mentally handicapped Jewish boy and his traumatic life during the rise of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and the rise of ODESSA. Being sterilized under the Nazi Eugenics Program and trapped in the Kielce Ghetto: ‘I can smell the fear all around me…’ Imprisoned in Auschwitz; the slave of a sadistic SS guard, ‘Otto the Beast,’ his tormentor and savior: ‘He teaches me how to make him feel happy…’ Escaping with him from Auschwitz: ‘We drive past lines of people marching through the snow… I see some of them falling and one of the guards firing at the fallen people…’ A new life in America under the ‘protection’ of ODESSA until they fear Kurt may reveal their secrets and decide to kill him: ‘I can feel my heart beating fast and hard. I run away barefoot. I run away from the bad people….’ The FBI and Mossad are after ODESSA. Can they save Kurt before it’s too late? My Dear Otto is a captivating thriller that includes historical figures such as Rudolf Höss, the Commandant of Auschwitz; the Nazi military hero Otto Skorzeny; Martin Bormann, the Nazi party chancellor; the Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, and the heads of both Mossad and the FBI.

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