Confronting Antisemitism through the Ages: A Historical Perspective by Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer, Dina Porat, Lawrence H. Schiffman

Confronting Antisemitism through the Ages: A Historical Perspective by Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer, Dina Porat, Lawrence H. Schiffman

This volume traces the history of antisemitism from antiquity through contemporary manifestations of the discrimination of Jews. It documents the religious, sociological, political and economic contexts in which antisemitism thrived and thrives and shows how such circumstances served as support and reinforcement for a curtailment of the Jews’ social status. The volume sheds light on historical processes of discrimination and identifies them as a key factor in the contemporary and future fight against antisemitism.

Year first published: 2021

The book's page at the publisher's site

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