The Immigrant by Frederic Petrovsky

The Immigrant by Frederic Petrovsky

THE IMMIGRANT is a timely and uplifting tale of tragedy, triumph, and the struggle to discover what matters most. The year is 1920, and a teenage Jewish Russian boy named Lev has just witnessed his entire world go up in flames. Homeless and alone, Lev finds himself joining up with a strange traveling circus. He sets off on a dark journey across a bleak landscape of corruption and persecution. Facing violent racists, unscrupulous conmen, seedy thugs, and deadly Russian police, Lev’s travels take him across the ocean, through the Big Apple, and finally to the windswept deserts of America’s Southwest. But even as he searches for his last living connection, he finds himself embarking on another journey, into the mysteries of growing up—and discovering what the word home truly means. An epic journey through a tumultuous period of history, THE IMMIGRANT will delight readers with its vivid portrayal of a world lost to time. An unimaginable adventure. An unforgettable young man.

The book on the author’s website: and on Barnes & Nobles

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Year first published: 2022

The book's page at the publisher's site

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