Per­fect Match: The Sto­ry of Althea Gib­son and Angela Buxton by Lori Dub­bin

Per­fect Match: The Sto­ry of Althea Gib­son and Angela Buxton by Lori Dub­bin

Illustrator: Aman­da Quartey

When Althea Gibson first dreamed of joining the big American tennis leagues, she was denied because she was Black. Angela Buxton dreamed of joining the best tennis clubs in Britain, but she was rejected because she was Jewish. When Angela heard that Althea was coming to Britain to compete, she skipped school to see the match. If Althea didn’t let hatred stop her from playing the game she loved, Angela wouldn’t either.

At the French Championships in 1956, Angela told Althea about her dream of winning Wimbledon with a doubles partner. To win as a team, they would have to stick to their strengths―together.

Year first published: 2024

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