Author: jewishbooks

Defend­ing Brit­ta Stein by Ronald H. Balson

Defend­ing Brit­ta Stein by Ronald H. Balson

Defending Britta Stein is a story of bravery, betrayal, and redemption―from Ronald H. Balson, the winner of the National Jewish Book Award Chicago, 2018: Ole Henryks, a popular restauranteur, is set to be honored...

The Sum­mer of Lost Letters by Han­nah Reynolds

The Sum­mer of Lost Letters by Han­nah Reynolds

Perfect for fans of Morgan Matson and Ruta Sepetys, this sweet, summery romance set in Nantucket follows seventeen-year-old Abby Schoenberg as she uncovers a secret about her grandmother’s life during WWII. Seventeen-year-old Abby Schoenberg...

Let's Be Friends by Edwin Radin

Let’s Be Friends by Edwin Radin

Illustrator: Clair Fink One snowy day in Brooklyn, James and Sally discover that they have new neighbors next door-a girl named Tovah and a boy named Esair. When James and Sally spy a menorah...