Category: About

Today Iregistered the domain. For now it will simply point to this site ( If the hopes of the new .co TLD* will materialize I might rebrand the site and will run it...

Our Amazon store

We created a new “store” on’s aStore site. Copied all the books from this site therre and organized by the same sections. The new store can be reached at: Enjoy

Link updates

For each book present in this site’s catalog I add a link to the book’s page on,, and These site keep growing and they continue to add more books to...

Additions to the catalog 2009-10-22

Arditti, Michael: The Enemy of the Good Deutsch, Nathaniel: The Maiden of Ludmir: A Jewish Holy Woman and Her World Elior, Rachel: Dybbuks and Jewish Women in Social History, Mysticism and Folklore Elior, Rachel:...

Additions to the catalog 2009-10-12

Abrams, Daniel (ed): Lurianic Kabbalah: Collected Studies by Gershom Scholem Ashlag, Yehudah, Yedidah Cohen (ed): A Tapestry for the Soul: The Introduction to the Zohar by Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag Bar Tzadok, Ariel: Walking...

Additions to the catalog

I added 14 books to the site/database: Berg, Michael: On Global Responsibility: Kabbalah and the Way to End Chaos Berg, Yehudah: Kabbalah on Sleep Berg, Yehudah: Kabbalah: The Power to Change Everything Berg, Yehudah:...

New beginnings

Now that the year 5769 started I will attempt to restart this blog. The goal is still the same: collect information about books published on English about Kabbalah, with a particular focus on the...

New ads

On the top of the pages of this site up till now you could see ads served up by Google. These text based advertisements were based on the words found on my website. However...