Category: People

Oliver Matuschek Three Lives: A Biography of Stefan Zweig

Books about Stefan Zweig

What is it about Stefan Zweig that has so captured the contemporary imagination? In the last year alone, the elusive Austrian writer was the named inspiration for Wes Anderson’s recent film The Grand Budapest...

Rabbi Jerry Winston

Rabbi Jerry Winston, author of Colors from the Zohar: Drawn from the Classic of Jewish Mysticism and The Mystical Sabbath: Candlelight and Kabbalah has passed away on December 19, 2010 May his memory be for...

Waldygo’s painting

Patricia Waldygo created this meditation painting in the early 1980s, based on the viewpoint of an early theosophist, Dion Fortune. She issued a press release last week announcing that the prints of the paintings...

Marc Nichanian

Marc Nichanian, the author of “Our Place in al-Andalus: Kabbalah, Philosophy, Literature in Arab Jewish Letters” (2002) has a new book out about genocide: “The Historiographic Perversion”. The Armenian Reporter summarizes Nichanian’s thesis this...