Category: Reviews

Midnight In Berlin by James MacManus

Midnight In Berlin by James MacManus

Midnight In Berlin James MacManus April 19th, 2016 Thomas Dunne Books Midnight In Berlin by James MacManus is a fictional story that takes readers through the harrowing months that ultimately led up to WWII....

Hoffman: The Kabbalah Deck (2000)

Edward Hoffman‘s intentions with his box containing “The Kabbalah Deck: Pathway to the Soul” were evinced on page 4 of 160 page booklet: “I’ve increasingly felt the need for an entirely new resource –...

Review: Kimpen: De Kabbalist (2007)

Since Geert Kimpen‘s De Kabbalist (The Kabbalist) was published in 2007 in Dutc it has been translated to several languages including German and Spanish. According to the author’s website it “will” be published in...