Tagged: Jewish Book Council

Leav­ing East­ern Parkway by Matthew Daub

Leav­ing East­ern Parkway by Matthew Daub

Brooklyn’s Hasidic community of Lubavitchers is turned upside down when family tragedy strikes and everyday life changes forever in the life of Zev Altshul. He is first placed into the care of the closed...

“Nice” Jew­ish Girls by Julia Mer­berg

“Nice” Jew­ish Girls by Julia Mer­berg

Illustrator: Geor­gia Ruck­er Thirty-six mini biographies of groundbreaking, outspoken, odds-defying Jewish women explore their fascinating lives, as well as the ways in which they were shaped by their heritage. Probing the lives of historic...

The Tow­er of Life by Chana Stiefel

The Tow­er of Life by Chana Stiefel

How Yaf­fa Eli­ach Rebuilt Her Town in Sto­ries and Photographs Illustrator: Susan Gal A moving biography of the woman who created The Tower of Life, a powerful exhibit at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum...