Tagged: Jewish Book Council

The Lost Ryū by Emi Watan­abe Cohen

The Lost Ryū by Emi Watan­abe Cohen

Kohei Fujiwara has never seen a big ryū in real life. Those dragons all disappeared from Japan after World War II, and twenty years later, they’ve become the stuff of legend. Their smaller cousins,...

Today in the Taxi by Sean Singer

Today in the Taxi by Sean Singer

“Sean Singer’s radiant and challenging body of work involves, much like Whitman’s, nothing less than the ongoing interrogation of what a poem is. In this way his books are startlingly alive… I love in...

The Lit­er­ary Mafia by Josh Lam­bert

The Lit­er­ary Mafia by Josh Lam­bert

Jews, Pub­lish­ing, and Post­war Amer­i­can Literature In the 1960s and 1970s, complaints about a “Jewish literary mafia” were everywhere. Although a conspiracy of Jews colluding to control publishing in the United States never actually...

Café Shi­ra by David Ehrlich

Café Shi­ra by David Ehrlich

Translator: Michael Swirsky New to Jerusalem and to adulthood, Rutha serves Café Shira’s devoted customers with a quiet compassion and a sensitive gaze, collecting their stories and absorbing them at her peril. Avigdor, the...

Falling Short by Ernesto Cis­neros

Falling Short by Ernesto Cis­neros

Ernesto Cisneros, Pura Belpré Award-winning author of Efrén Divided, is back with a hilarious and heartfelt novel about two best friends who must rely on each other in unexpected ways. A great next pick...

The Teacher of Warsaw by Mario Esco­bar

The Teacher of Warsaw by Mario Esco­bar

Translator: Gretchen Aber­nathy Sept. 1, 1939 . Sixty-year-old Janusz Korczak and the students and teachers at his Dom Sierot Jewish orphanage are outside enjoying a beautiful day in Warsaw. Hours later, their lives are altered forever when...