Tagged: Kar-Ben Publishing

A Bear for Bimi by Jane Breskin Zalben

A Bear for Bimi by Jane Breskin Zalben

Illustrator: Yevgenia Nayberg When Bimi’s refugee family immigrates to America and moves into Evie’s neighborhood, not everybody is welcoming. But with the help of Evie’s teddy bear, Bimi’s family becomes part of the neighborhood...

The Singer and the Scientist by Lisa Rose

The Singer and the Scientist by Lisa Rose

Illustrator: Isabel Muñoz It’s 1937, and Marian Anderson is one of the most famous singers in America. But after she gives a performance for an all-white audience, she learns that the nearby hotel is...

A Rainy Day Story by Ruth Calderon

A Rainy Day Story by Ruth Calderon

Illus­tra­tor: Noa Kel­ner Rabbi Hanina feels sorry for himself when he becomes wet, cold and muddy from the rain. But when he goes inside his house―where he is warm, dry and happy―he feels selfish,...

An Egg for Shabbat by Mirik Snir

An Egg for Shabbat by Mirik Snir

Illustrator: Eleyor Snir Every day Ben’s mom sends him out to fetch an egg from the chicken pen. But each day, havoc ensues and Ben comes back empty-handed. Until finally, just in time for...

The Great Passover Escape by Pamela Moritz

The Great Passover Escape by Pamela Moritz

Illustrator: Florence Weiser Long-suffering Chimp tries to talk his friends Ellie the Elephant and Kanga the Kangaroo out of trying to escape from the Biblical Zoo to find a Passover seder to attend, but...