Tagged: Ori Elon

In the Mar­ket of Zakrobat by Ori Elon

In the Mar­ket of Zakrobat by Ori Elon

Trans­la­tor: Shi­ra AtikIllus­tra­tor: Mena­hem Hal­ber­stadt Baltosar lives in a giant fortress in the town of Zakrobat. Despite owning thirteen boxes of gold, he prides himself on how frugally he lives. Yosef, Baltosar’s neighbour, is...

A Bas­ket Full of Figs by Ori Elon

A Bas­ket Full of Figs by Ori Elon

Illustrator: Menachem Halberstadt ‘I plant a fig, I plant a gift. For children, for the coming generations.’ When the Emperor Hadrian gallops into the village, its inhabitants hide in fear. All except one. An...