Tagged: Oxford University Press

The Jewish Reformation by Michah Gottlieb

The Jewish Reformation by Michah Gottlieb

Bible Translation and Middle-Class German Judaism as Spiritual Enterprise In the late eighteenth century, German Jews began entering the middle class with remarkable speed. That upward mobility, it has often been said, coincided with...

Before the Holocaust by Hermann Beck

Before the Holocaust by Hermann Beck

Antisemitic Violence and the Reaction of German Elites and Institutions during the Nazi Takeover As the Nazis staged their takeover in 1933, instances of antisemitic violence began to soar. While previous historical research assumed...

The Heresy of Jacob Frank by Jay Michaelson

The Heresy of Jacob Frank by Jay Michaelson

From Jewish Messianism to Esoteric Myth The Heresy of Jacob Frank is the first monograph length study on the religious philosophy of Jacob Frank (1726-1791), who, in the wake of false messiah Sabbetai Zevi,...

Prophets with­out Hon­or by Shlo­mo Ben-Ami

Prophets with­out Hon­or by Shlo­mo Ben-Ami

The 2000 Camp David Sum­mit and the End of the Two-State Solution A high-level insider’s history of the efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, from 2000 Camp David Talks to the present, that explains...