Tagged: Stanford University Press

Hasidism Incarnate by Shaul Maggid

Hasidism Incarnate by Shaul Maggid

Hasidism, Christianity, and the Construction of Modern Judaism Hasidism Incarnate contends that much of modern Judaism in the West developed in reaction to Christianity and in defense of Judaism as a unique tradition. Ironically...

The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume Eight

This eighth volume of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition consists of commentary on the end of Leviticus and the beginning of Numbers. Its most remarkable section is Idra Rabba—a dramatic narrative, in which Rabbi Shim’on...

The Zohar 4: Pritzker Edition

Stanford University Press started a grand project in 2003 to publish the Zohar in 12 volumes. Daniel Matt is translating the text and writing the extensive commentary. The fourth volume was published last fall....