Rabbi Yechiel Bar-Lev: Song of the Soul
I recently learned about Rabbi Yechiel Avraham Bar-Lev, a hassid rabbi in Israel and his Yedid Nefesh institute. At the website of the latter I found one English language book “Song of the Soul: Introduction to Kaballa.” The full title, inside the books also includes this segment: “Based on Rabbi Chaim Moshe Luzzatto’s Kalach Pitchei Chochma.” The whole book is posted online as a series of images. Right now at Amazon only one used copy is available, for over $70. Let me post here its shortened table of contents to generate interest.
- Preface
- Introduction
- Abbreviations and Glossary
- Part One: Concerning Will
- Chapter 1: Types of Will
- Chapter 2: Light and Illumination
- Chapter 3: The Order of Gradual Unfolding
- Chapter 4: The Creator’s Ratzon – The Root of All reality
- Chapter 5: Substance and Form
- Chapter 6: The Elements of Form
- Chapter 7: Worlds of Atzilu, Beri’a, Yetzira, and Asi’ya
- Part Two: The Sefirot
- Chapter1: The Definition of the Concept of Sefirot
- Chapter 2: The Sefirot of Thought – Keter, Hochma, and Bina
- Chapter 3: The Division of the Sefirot
- Chapter 4: The Order of the position of the Sefirot
- Chapter 5: Concerning Hanhaga and Hashgacha
- Chapter 6: The Names of the Sefirot and their Appellations
- Chapter 7: The Sefirot and the Structure of Material Man
- Chapter 8: The Essay “Petach Eliyahu“
- Chapter 9: Names, Gematria and Combinations
- Part Three: Further Topics in Kabbalah
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: The Concept of Tzimtzum
- Chapter 2: The Reshinu and the Ray of Light
- Part Four: Adam Kadmon
- Chapter1: The Kav which brought order to the Ten Sefirot
- Part Five: The World of the Spotted, the World of Chaos, the Breaking of the Vessels
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Reason and Result: The Spiritual Dimension
- Chapter 2: The Shattering of the Vessels
- Part Six: The World of Repair
- Part Seven: Partzufin
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Concerning the Partzufin
- Chapter 2: The Partzuf Atik Yomin
- Chapter 3: The Partzuf Arich Anpin
- Chapter 4: The Partzufin Abba and Ima
- Chapter 5: The Partzuf Ze’ev Anpin
- Chapter 6: The Partzuf Nukva
- Chapter 7: The Partzufim Leah and Rachel: Two Aspects of Nukva
- Chapter 8: Ascent of the Worlds
- Chapter 9: The Purpose of Worshipping God is to Bring About the Coupling of Ze’er Anpin and Nukva
- Part Eight: Selected Notes
- On Godliness
- Belief in the Unity of God
- Man’s Image
- Reason and Result – Creation Ex Nihilo
- On Prophecy
- Endnotes