Sylvia Porter’s Money Book: How to Earn it, Spend it, Save it, Invest it, Borrow it, and Use it to Better Your Life

In the 1930s-1980s, where did you get your financial news? The smart money was on an insightful journalist and economist with the enigmatic byline S.F. Porter. …
Sylvia devoted herself to making finance easily understandable to the public. She saw herself as a consumer advocate, encouraging everyone to get educated. She especially pushed women to take charge of their own finances in an age when many people thought thinking about money was best left to men. She disdained what she termed “bafflegab:” the art of making finance and government confounding. …

Her 1,105-page handbook, “Sylvia Porter’s Money Book: How to Earn It, Spend It, Save It, Invest It, Borrow It, and Use It to Better Your Life,” based partially on a quarter century of her columns, became a bestseller. Not baffling at all!

Sylvia Porter’s Money Book: How to Earn it, Spend it, Save it, Invest it, Borrow it, and Use it to Better Your Life

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