Bibliography on North Africa in Oxford Bibliographies’ Jewish Studies
Rachel Simon’s bibliography on North Africa has been published by Oxford Bibliographies in Jewish Studies:
Most of the scholarly study of North Africa as a region does not cover all five North African countries and is often limited to the Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco). Hirschberg 1974–1981 is still the most comprehensive work chronologically and deals with the Maghreb and Libya. Stillman 1979 provides a concise survey that deals with the whole region (7th to early 19th centuries) and provides important sources. Goitein 1967–1993 is based on the Cairo Geniza documents and provides important information based on the contacts of Cairean Jews with North African Jews. Slouschz 1944 is both a historical study and travel report from the early 20th century. Chouraqui 1998 focuses on the late Muslim and colonial periods, Bashan 1996 examines social and economic issues, Gottreich and Schroeter 2011 examines Jewish culture and society as such (and in relation to external impact) and Deshen and Zenner 1996 deals with Jewish-Muslim relations….