Every Picture Tells a Story, Volume One: Bereishis by Chaim Natan Firszt

A picture is worth a thousand words. Accompanied by words, it’s worth millions, and when it comes to illustrate and to bring to life the words of the Torah, it is priceless. Vividly hand-illustrated with colorful portrayals of Torah personalities and events, the Every Picture Tells a Story series brings the weekly Parsha to life with illustrations, Torah verses, and descriptive commentary based on Midrash and other sources. The books are written in Hebrew and English. Volume One: Bereishis (Genesis) contains illustrations of the weekly Torah readings from beginning of Creation through to the end of Ya’akov’s days. Appealing to readers of all ages, it is a delightful storybook for young readers, a wonderful book to read to children, educational for Baalei Teshuvah, and a wonderful addition to any book collection. Companion coloring books also available.