Welcome Home: My First Six Months Living in Israel by Akiva Teddy MacLeod

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How do you write a book about something as momentous as moving to Israel? One Facebook post, one bus ride, one limonana at a time.
In this remarkable journal of one family’s transition to a new land, you’ll see the daily side of the holy land revealed for all its laughter and tears.
“My wife is in the holy town of Shiloh tonight, no doubt praying and doing holy things. So that means one thing! Not washing dishes or cleaning up in solitude. No, it means I can listen to my MP3 player in bed way past my bedtime! Yesss!”
Akiva Teddy MacLeod’s journey home teeters precariously between the profound and the mundane, and between the banal and the “balagan,” sharing the excitement and beauty of life in the Jewish homeland.