Can I Wear My Kippah on Job Interviews? by Rachel Margolin and Lavie Margolin

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Career Guidance for Sabbath Observant Jewish Professionals
Learn How to Get That Job While Keeping the Faith.
Balancing religious and workplace obligations is a tricky business. You want to remain true to your values, but you’re also interested in advancing your career. How can you avoid awkward moments related to handshakes, kashrut, and Sabbath observance while climbing the corporate ladder?
Lavie and Rachel Margolin have worked with over a thousand observant Jewish professionals to help you navigate countless sticky workplace situations. Can I Wear My Kippah on Job Interviews provides practical strategies to help you avoid the awkwardness and feel more comfortable on interviews and in the workplace. You’ll learn about career paths that support your values, when you should discuss observance with a potential employer, if it’s OK to wear a kippah during an interview, and much, much more.
The Margolins provide numerous, well-summarized case studies that will help you see how other professionals like you grew their careers without compromising their faith. Can I Wear My Kippah on Job Interviews has been carefully reviewed by a number of rabbis to ensure its accuracy, and it’s been written with sensitivity to a variety of viewpoints.
Whether you’re looking to get back into work or you want to find a gift for a recent college grad, your search is over.