Relational Judaism: Using the Power of Relationships to Transform the Jewish Community by Ron Wolfson

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And that is the point of Ron Wolfson’s game changing book: that connecting Jews to synagogues, Jewish organizations, and to Judaism itself is all about relationships (or what I have called connectedness in my work). Relationships between Jews, between Jews and others, between Jews and Judaism, between Jews and God, and more. Theology, programs, and gimmicks don’t drive Jews to connect. Nor does an interest in “joining” a particular organization. Perhaps these things were once powerful, but not today.
The author presents examples of organizations that “get it” and successfully use relationships to connect Jews to institutions, community, and Judaism: Chabad, Next Dor, independent minyanim, some very highly innovative synagogues, and more. He also mentions some of the people, lay and professional, who are leading these various organizations and initiatives.