Gathering of Angels by Morris B. Margolies
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A Gathering of Angels: Angels in Jewish Life and Literature looks at Jewish history in a unique way–through the eyes of angels. A rabbi and a scholar, Morris B. Margolies pores through nearly three thousand years of literature and lore in an enlightening exploration of the angels, who shape and reflect Jewish beliefs, hopes, and fears.
This unique gathering encompasses angels from familiar biblical tales such as the angels on Jacob’s ladder, Elijah the prophet-angel, and Satan, the most famous fallen angel–as well as angels from more esoteric texts and sources like the mystical classic Zohar, hasidic tales, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
An engaging compendium of angelic lore, A Gathering of Angels is also a memorable study of the evolving role of angels–from Biblical times to the present, from messenger of God to metaphor for good and evil.