God, Man and Nietzsche: A Startling Dialogue between Judaism and Modern Philosophers by Zev Golan
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What if a believer in God wants to adopt the atheistic teachings of Nietzsche? Golan shows Nietzsche can deepen ones religious experience and explain eternal life.
Did Nietzsche love or hate Jews? Golan presents all Nietzsches writings on the Jews and discovers why Nietzsche both lauded and castigated them.
What if Schelling had taught in a rabbinical yeshiva instead of a university? Golan shows Schellings discovery of the roots of evil explains suffering and the Book of Job.
What if quantum physicists had studied Jewish law? Golan shows they would explain how repentance (teshuvah) works.
Does history have meaning? Golan shows where to find it, what man should do and how to relate to the Holocaust.
What if the Rambam and Ari, Maimonides and Luria, had read Nietzsche and Kierkegaard? Golan shows they would answer all great philosophical questions.
Professor Emil Fackenheim called Golans dialogue with Nietzsche an exciting example of an urgently necessary encounter between Judaism and modern philosophy and said Golan’s Nietzsche is deep.
God, Man and Nietzsche is for anyone who has ever asked himself how to talk to God, why to be good, or what is happening in history.