Goddess Spirituality for the 21st Century: From Kabbalah to Quantum Physics by Judith Laura

Goddess Spirituality for the 21st Century: From Kabbalah to Quantum Physics by Judith Laura

Goddess Spirituality for the 21st Century presents new ways of deepening the mystical connection with the divine embodied as female. Judith Laura begins by reviewing concepts common to various forms of Goddess spirituality. She then moves into uncharted territory by re-envisioning the metaphysical basis underlying much of Western mysticism.

This is the first book to look at both Jewish Kabbalah and Western Esoteric Qabalah from the point of view of Goddess concepts, and to offer a more gender-balanced, female-affirming re-visioning of the central kabbalistic symbol, the Tree of Life. The book also encourages the incorporation of contemporary science, such as quantum physics, into the symbolism and practice of Goddess spirituality. Though tackling complex subjects, the author offers her explanations in an approach that is easy to understand without being simplistic.

The book also includes rituals and guided meditations to help put these ground-breaking theories into spiritual practice.

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