The Laws of Yichud: A Comprehensive Guide to The Laws of Yichud From the Original Sources to Modern-Day Applications and Rulings by HaRav Shraga Kallus

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Editor: Rabbi Avraham Chaim Slansky
This book is based on shiurim given in the Second-Seder Kollel, written by his close talmid, Rabbi Avraham Chaim Slansky.
Interactions between men and women occur in many different areas of life, and inevitably a myriad of questions arise, such as:
- Between which people is yichud forbidden?
- My spouse is in town, so is there any concern?
- What must I be aware of in order to avoid a yichud situation at the doctor s office?
- Must a door always be left open?
In this book, the complicated and intricate laws of yichud are explained based on the original sources and the practical rulings of modern-day poskim. It is separated into two parts for ease of use:
Book One: Concise Laws of Yichud
The basic laws of yichud are presented as a clear and concise guide. Ideal for a quick review or for a decisive ruling, each chapter references where further explanation can be found in its counterpart in Book Two.
Book Two: Elucidated Laws of Yichud
Hilchos yichud is methodically arranged, providing further elucidation of the laws of yichud. This comprehensive guide, including all relevant background, gives the reader a complete grasp of hilchos yichud, facilitating real-life application to uncommon situations that may occur. Included are full-text citations of hundreds of sources and a wide range of practical examples, making it an excellent source for both reference and in-depth study.