The Cyprus Detention Camps: The Essential Research Guide by Yitzhak Teutsch

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Beginning in August 1946, stateless and visaless Jewsmost of them survivors of the Nazi death campswho sought to immigrate to the Land of Israel were intercepted by the Royal Navy and deported to the nearby island of Cyprus, where they were detained in camps surrounded by barbed wire. Despite occupying a dramatic and fateful position in modern history, this saga has remained largely inaccessible due to the widespread dispersal of the primary sources and the linguistic difficulties presented by them. To address these problems, this book scrutinizes the scholarly literature, consulting hundreds of primary sourcesmany of them previously unknownon three continents, bringing together interviews with scores of eyewitnesses, and translating foreign-language terms into English. The result is a comprehensive, meticulously footnoted guide that uses such tools as maps, a detailed timeline, and biographical entries to make this riveting saga accessible to a broad audience of scholars and general readers.
Year first published: 2019
The book's page at the publisher's site