New Issue of Women in Judaism

We are delighted to announce the electronic publication of the new issue of Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary e-Journal. The journal can be accessed at
Founded in 1997, the journal is the first multidisciplinary-refereed e-journal solely dedicated to gender-related issues in Judaism.
Vol 16 No 1 (2019): Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal
Table of Contents:
- “The World is There and We are Here:” “Otherness” and the Designation of Space in the Prose of Nava Semel – Shai Rudin
- Beruriah: The Final Act – Hindishe Lee
- Between Subversion and Tradition: Recasting Biblical Characters in Zelda’s Poetry – Rachel Ofer
Biographical Essays
- Neglected but Not Forgotten: Jews and Nation Building in the Zambian Public Sphere Through the Life Trajectory of Cynthia Sarah Zukas – Nelly Mwale
Book Reviews
- Zion, Noam. Talmudic Marital Dramas: Passion and Miscommunication, Intimacy and Spirituality, Love and Law. [Nine books in the series] Cleveland, OH: Zion Holiday Publications, 2018. – David J. Zucker
- Dekel, Mikhal. Tehran Children: A Holocaust Refugee Odyssey. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2019. – Elaine Margolin
Film Reviews
- Winger, Anna, creator. Unorthodox. Real Film Berlin and Studio Airlift, 2020. – Batya Weinbaum