Ladder of Light: Parashah Insights on Sefer Bamidbar by Rabbi Yaakov Hillel

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” And Hashem spoke to Moshe in the Sinai Desert in the Tent of Meeting… saying, ‘Count the entire community of the children of Israel.”’
Why did Hashem repeatedly count the Jewish people? How can we bring the Shechinah closer?
In Ladder of Light: Parasah Insights on Sefer Bamidbar, Rabbi Yaakov Hillel, renowned Kabbalist and Rosh Yeshivah of Hevrat Ahavat Shalom in Jerusalem, answersthese questions and many more. With his distinctive, in-depth approach to the parsiot of the Torah, he applies the wisdom of the Sages of the Mishnah and Talmud and the teachings of generations of great Kabbalists to many fundamental principles of Judaism and a variety of contemporary issues, including:
- Confession and repentance
- The appointment of Elders: the end of an era
- The sin of the Spies and lack of faith
- Fatal envy: Korah’s rebellion
- Responding to rebuke
- Israel and the seventy nations
- Disconnecting from sin
- The sanctity of speech
- The forty-two desert journeys: retrieving ”holy sparks”
The Parashah Insights series has touched the lives of readers worldwide in English, French, Spanish, Turkish, and Russian. Newly revised and expanded in Ladder of Light: Parashah Insights, these essays are a readable guide to the Torah outlook for laymen and advanced scholars alike.
Year first published: 2019