Judaism on Purpose by Yaakov (Jim) Schwartz

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A Guidebook for Wandering Jews & Wondering Rabbis to Reignite INdividualized Meaning Inside Out through Judaism
PROBLEM & OPPORTUNITY: Jews feel disconnected from their faith. The synagogue cannot deliverindividualized, personalized meaning. 22% of Jews classify themselves as “nones” (having no religion).When high holiday attendance is factored out, effective affiliation is but 3% – 5%. Regular affiliationmight optimistically be 10% (and that is pre-pandemic).
SOLUTION: Under the guidance of a participating rabbi, participants go through a personal, INsideout process of reconnecting to their faith. Judaism On Purposetm is an actionable guidebook helpingindividuals find The One Thing: Meaning IN one’s life.
PROCESS: Each Jews of Meaning© member meets individually with the participating rabbi for onehour on initiation and then for one monthly one-hour meeting with the rabbi. Groups are comprisedof no more than seven members studying weekly for an hour with the rabbi, who guides individuals topersonalized meaning. The Soul purpose of Judaism On Purposetm is reigniting personalized meaning IN one’s life throughreconnection to Judaism.
Year first published: 2020