Ultimatum or Dinners with Saul by Mr. Michael Veletsky

Ultimatum or Dinners with Saul by Mr. Michael Veletsky

How well do you know yourself? Do we see the world the way it really is or the way some others want us to see it? What is the most fundamental truth about us? Is there a Free Will, or is it just an illusion? The same country, the same city, but two different worlds. Summer of 2020; politics, us versus them, discrimination, anti-Semitism, immigration, homelessness, suicide, and hate; the FBI investigation into a new virus thread – can all of it lead to love and happiness? The FBI agent, David Biggs, a young biologist, Anna Berman, and her Jewish immigrant family from Ukraine, find their lives intersecting in New York and forced to deal with the life events around them. Will he solve the most important case of his life? Will he discover the truth about himself, about the world around him? Will he find everything we all are looking for – happiness and love?

Year first published: 2020

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