Help funding this graphic novel: Urban Tails – an Israeli lesbian family dominated by cats

From the book’s Kickstarter/crowdsourcing page:
What are we doing?
We’re looking to publish Ilana Zeffren’s heart-warming book, Urban Tails, in English for the first time.What is Urban Tails?
In 2006, Ilana Zeffren began Rishumon, a weekly comic strip in Hebrew for the Tel Aviv newspaper City Mouse, part of Haaretz, one of the main papers with country-wide distribution. Rishumon was autobiographical, featuring Ilana, her girlfriend, and their two cats, Rafi and Spaghetti.
In 2014, the Israeli publisher Pardes published Rishumon, a collection of the strips from 2006-2013.
In 2021, we’re planning to publish Urban Tails, the collection in English for the first time. Over 200 pages, full colour, with a retail price of £16.99
For further information and to support the publishing of this book check its Kickstarter/crowdsourcing page.