Gazoz: The Art of Mak­ing Mag­i­cal, Sea­son­al Sparkling Drinks by Adeena Suss­man, Ben­ny Briga

Gazoz: The Art of Mak­ing Mag­i­cal, Sea­son­al Sparkling Drinks by Adeena Suss­man, Ben­ny Briga

Starting with plain sparkling soda, a gazoz layers in fresh fruits and flowers, aromatic herbs and spices, ferments, syrups, and other artisanal ingredients, all to create a beautiful marriage of flavor and fizz. In Gazoz, discover recipes for stone fruit gazoz, citrus gazoz, even “milkshake” gazoz using nut butters. The possibilities are endless, the results amazing. It’s the best nonalcoholic drink you’ve ever tasted, and by far the most fun to make.

Year first published: 2021

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