Escape Route by Elan Barnehama

Escape Route by Elan Barnehama

Escape Route (May 2022, Running Wild Press/Lisa Kastner) is set in New York City during the tumultuous late 1960s, The novel is told by teenager, Zach, a first-generation son of Holocaust survivors, and NY Mets fan, who becomes obsessed with the Vietnam War and with finding an escape route for his family for when he believes the US will round up and incarcerate its Jews. Zach meets Samm, a seventh-generation Manhattanite whose brother has returned from Vietnam with PTSD which results in his suicide. Together, Samm and Zach explore protest, friendship, music, faith, and love during a time littered with hope and upheaval around the globe. Available from your fav bookseller.

Author’s website

*Promoted content

Year first published: 2022

The book's page at the publisher's site

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