The End of Her by Wayne Hoffman

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Racing Against Alzheimer’s to Solve a Murder
“A murder mystery wrapped like a delicious knish around a familial love story. The End of Her is the story of a journalist attempting to solve the long-ago puzzle of who shot his great-grandmother in her bed in small-town Winnipeg in 1913. But the why of it is at the heart of this beautiful book. Wayne Hoffman throws himself into this old-fashioned shoe-leather reporting (a true education for budding journalists) because he wants to give his mother the gift of her history before he loses her completely to dementia. The book’s portrayal of Alzheimer’s is horrible and hilarious; Wayne’s voice is warm, deeply loving, drily funny and thankfully unsentimental.”
-Marjorie Ingall, author of Mamaleh Knows Best
Year first published: 2022