I Kept Walking by Minou Michlin

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The Unlikely Story of a Persian Woman with Polio
A spirited little girl is diagnosed with polio, which in 1940s Iran all but condemns her to a life in the shadows. In a conservative Jewish society where girls are raised to find a suitable husband, Minou–despite her good looks and education–is viewed as “damaged goods.”
Minou is mystified and crushed when she discovers that her mother, who had been her greatest ally, was both preparing her to be independent while consigning her to the lonely fate of a childless spinster. She realizes she must make the painful decision to flee Iran, and leave her family and culture behind to face life on her own in a foreign land
From the labyrinth of narrow alleys in Tehran’s Grand Bazaar to a Jerusalem hospital room, this unforgettable memoir portrays the complicated love among mothers and daughters, the once vibrant Jewish presence in Iran, and will stir anyone who has braved the unknown and kept on walking.
Year first published: 2022