The Therapized Antisemite by Christopher L. Schilling

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The Myth of Psychology and the Evasion of Responsibility
Routledge Studies in Criminal Behaviour
The Therapized Antisemite seeks to determine the failure of psychology in the understanding and punishment of antisemitism.
For over a hundred years, psychology’s vision – understanding the mind and conquering feelings with thoughts – has remained a myth in much of Western societies. Despite its theories and concepts being widely criticized and often proven wrong, it remains part of our culture, academia, and legal systems. Instead of hoping for the field of psychology to one day solve the problem of antisemitism and how to punish it, we must ask ourselves how much it has not helped but rather harmed the fight against it. Through exploring social, clinical, and forensic psychology, as well as psychohistory and the intrusion of psychology into criminal law and policymaking, The Therapized Antisemite argues that we don’t yet understand what causes antisemitism in psychological terms, let alone how to go about solving the problem. The Holocaust, the Nuremberg Trials, Hitler Biographies, the Halimi murder, Hate Crime, Mental Illness, False Memory, and Criminal Profiling are all discussed within the book.
The Therapized Antisemite looks to change the way readers think about antisemitism, psychology and law, and will be of interest to legal and social science academics and students researching and practicing within the fields of criminal law, criminology, antisemitism studies, Jewish studies and psychology.