Dream Big, Laugh Often and More Great Advice from the Bible by Hanoch Piven, Shira Hecht-Koller

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This clever, informative, and artful picture book from Hanoch Piven and Shira Hecht-Koller imagines what advice 14 Biblical figures would have given.
Feel your power. Trust the journey. Change and grow.
The Bible is full of stories that teach us to dream big, be curious, and be ourselves. And who better to learn these lessons from than Biblical characters themselves?
Dream Big, Laugh Often: And More Great Advice from the Bible contains portraits of 14 Biblical figures, brought to life with Hanoch Piven’s joyful and clever art made from found objects, including Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Miriam, David and Deborah and more.
Read, learn, play, search, and find! You’ll love studying each portrait and imagining what piece of advice each character from the Bible would offer.
Year first published: 2023