Happily Jewish! by Michael Levin

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Finding Actionable Spirituality In Judaism (Of All Places!)
Happily Jewish blows the dust off texts formerly inaccessible to anyone but Orthodox Jews and offers a wealth of guidance about how to live a more meaningful, spiritual, and connected life.
For most Jews, Judaism has been a closed book…until now. New York Times bestselling author Michael Levin blows the dust off twenty key Jewish texts from the time of the Torah to the 21st century to show the brilliance, usefulness, sensitivity, and wisdom locked away in Jewish thought.
Judaism has so much to say about how to live happily, meaningfully, and spiritually with our loved ones and in our broader world. These guideposts have been the secret of Jewish survival for more than three thousand years. Now, they are accessible, explained clearly and actionably to take your spiritual practice (no matter what you believe or don’t believe) to a radically higher level.
Judaism isn’t just a set of religious laws and principles. It’s a way of thinking about the meaning of life. You’ll find men and women sharing the wisdom of the ages, and often their ideas were extremely controversial at the time they first wrote them. Some were so controversial that their authors were exiled or even excommunicated. Now, they’re all here in one fun and easy-to-read volume that will give you a new outlook on life—a new level of happiness and joy. Why just be Jewish when you can be Happily Jewish!
This book contains twenty sets of explosive, life-changing ideas and philosophies about how to maximize your happiness, joy, and how you find meaning in life. If you’re Jewish, these ideas (traditionally known only to those in the Orthodox world) are your heritage. They already belong to you. It’s time to “take delivery” of what’s already yours and learn the secrets of Jewish wisdom, character, and yes, survival. These concepts go back to the very creation of the Torah and relate to everything from being the best possible person we can be to understanding Jewish concepts of sex and intimacy. It’s all here—waiting to be unpacked and put to use—in author Michael Levin’s Happily Jewish.
Year first published: 2023