Yitzhak’s Escape: The Jewish Flight to Uzbekistan by Sandor M. Lubisch

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June 21, 1941 – Adolph Hitler breaks the non-aggression pact with Joseph Stalin and orders the German Army to invade Soviet-controlled Eastern Poland with lightning speed.
Teenager Yitzhak Barkan, his family, relatives, and thousands of Jews are affected by this sudden German invasion. They have to make an immediate decision to either remain in their small eastern Polish town and face the Nazis, or flee by joining the Soviet evacuation to Uzbekistan.
This aspect of the Holocaust of the Jewish flight to Uzbekistan is rarely known or mentioned.
The historical fiction book, Yitzhak’s Escape – The Jewish Flight to Uzbekistan, is based on the true story of the author’s maternal family who lived in the small eastern Polish town called Bolechov.
Year first published: 2024