Author: jewishbooks

A Well-Spiced Life by Barbara Bensoussan

A Well-Spiced Life by Barbara Bensoussan

An Exuberant Discovery of Sephardic Food, Family, and Faith What happens when the nice Jewish boy you end up marrying comes not from New York but from Casablanca? Who considers chicken soup little more...

Car­ry­ing a Big Schtick by Miri­am Eve Mora

Car­ry­ing a Big Schtick by Miri­am Eve Mora

Jew­ish Accul­tur­a­tion and Mas­culin­i­ty in the Twen­ti­eth Century For twentieth-century Jewish immigrants and their children attempting to gain full access to American society, performative masculinity was a tool of acculturation. However, as scholar Miriam...

Israel’s Black Pan­thers by Asaf Elia-Shalev

Israel’s Black Pan­thers by Asaf Elia-Shalev

The Rad­i­cals Who Punc­tured a Nation’s Found­ing Myth The powerful story of an activist movement that challenged the racial inequities of Israel. Israel’s Black Panthers tells the story of the young and impoverished Moroccan...