Author: jewishbooks

Near­ly Depart­ed by Gila Pfef­fer

Near­ly Depart­ed by Gila Pfef­fer

Adven­tures in Loss, Can­cer and Oth­er Inconveniences A sharp, funny, and heartfelt memoir of losing both parents to cancer and the daring choices Gila Pfeffer made to avoid the same early demise By the...

Jewish Education by Ari Y Kelman

Jewish Education by Ari Y Kelman

Key Words in Jewish Studies Most writing about Jewish education has been preoccupied with two questions: What ought to be taught? And what is the best way to teach it? Ari Y Kelman upends...

Esfir Is Alive by Andrea Simon

Esfir Is Alive by Andrea Simon

A novel inspired by a true story of survival. Esfir Manevich is a young Jewish girl who lives in the Polish town of Kobrin in 1936. Facing antisemitism in public school, Esfir moves in...

Why the Bible Began by Jacob L. Wright

Why the Bible Began by Jacob L. Wright

An Alter­na­tive His­to­ry of Scrip­ture and its Origins Why did no other ancient society produce something like the Bible? That a tiny, out of the way community could have created a literary corpus so...

Ethics of the Algorithm by Todd Presner

Ethics of the Algorithm by Todd Presner

Digital Humanities and Holocaust Memory How computational methods can expand how we see, read, and listen to Holocaust testimony The Holocaust is one of the most documented—and now digitized—events in human history. Institutions and...

A Boy from Baghdad by Miri­am Halahmy

A Boy from Baghdad by Miri­am Halahmy

“Jews are no longer safe in Iraq. When are you going to get it through your thick head?” It’s 1951, and twelve-year-old Salman Shasha is happy with his life in Baghdad. But trouble is...

Reading Herzl in Beirut by Jonathan Marc Gribetz

Reading Herzl in Beirut by Jonathan Marc Gribetz

The PLO Effort to Know the Enemy How the Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center informed the PLO’s relationship to Zionism and Israel In September 1982, the Israeli military invaded West Beirut and Israel-allied Lebanese...