Category: Books

Hoffman: The Kabbalah Deck (2000)

Edward Hoffman‘s intentions with his box containing “The Kabbalah Deck: Pathway to the Soul” were evinced on page 4 of 160 page booklet: “I’ve increasingly felt the need for an entirely new resource –...

Learner: The Witch of Cologne (2005)

The first third of Tobsha Learner‘s historical fiction, The Witch of Cologne, contains enough references to Kabbalah to grant a mention in this blog. The latter part of the books contains less though. Here...

Dos Santos: Codex 632 (2005)

Codex 632: The Secret of Christopher Columbus, written by Jose Rodrigues Dos Santos four years ago, got published in English two years ago, and the mass paperback edition came out this summer. Here is...

Perec: Life: A User’s Manual (1978)

Joshua Cohen‘s review in Tablet magazine, of Georges Perec‘s 1978 book, Life: A User’s Manual, just republished in a new translation, argues that Perec followed a kabbalistic tradition: Forget that each chapter’s length is...

The Rebbe on Prophecy

There is a short description and recommendations by three known (non-Chabad) authors (Lawrence Schiffman, Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Arthur Kurzweil) about the newly published book at This volume brings together classical Jewish discussion of Maimonides’...

Reb Schachter-Shalomi’s recommendations

Back in July The Jewish Publication Society posted an entry in which “Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi recommends ten books about Jewish spirituality.” They are: 1. Ehyeh: A Kabbalah for Tomorrow, by Arthur Green 2. The...