Category: Events

Tales of Chelm: How the Chelmites Stole the Moon

Tales of Chelm: How the Chelmites Stole the Moon

The JArtsTM TheatreWorks production of Talesof Chelm is based on the book, “The Wise Folk of Chelm” by Rabbi Seymour Rossel.  Adaptors Jesse Garlick and Dori Robinson approach classic Jewish folktales through a modern lens in Tales of Chelm,...


Announcing #Readukkah 2017

Via email: #Readukkah 2017 is the 3rd annual Jewish reading challenge, being co-sponsored by AJL and the Jewish Book Council, during Hanukkah December 12-19, 2017. To participate, RSVP to the Facebook online event at...

New York Noise: Radical Jewish Music and the Downtown Scene by Tamar Barzel

Event: “New Directions in Jewish Music”

A lecture by Dr. Tamar Barzel, Visiting Curator, Fales Library-Downtown Collection, New York University. Live Performance by Grammy-nominated composer and pianist Uri Caine Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 7pm. Center for Jewish History 15...