Category: Pointers

Jewish Book Carnival

September 2015 Jewish Book Carnival

The September Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, is being hosted by Nat Bernstein at The Prosen People, the blog of the Jewish Book Council,’s 16th issue and fundraising’s 16th issue is out, with writing from Augusto Segre , Ayelet Shamir, Samuel L. Blank, María Gabriela Mizraje, Yitzhak Gormezano Goren, Wendy Brandmark, György Spiró, Grigory Kanovich, Yona Zeldis McDonough, Elizabeth Edelglass, and...

Jewish Book Carnival

August 2015 Jewish Book Carnival

The August Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, is being hosted Yael Shahar of A Damaged Mirror at . You’ll find links to Jewish book news, book reviews...

Jewish Book Carnival

July 2015 Jewish Book Carnival

The July Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, is being hosted Deborah Kalb at . You’ll find links to Jewish book news, book reviews and author interviews....

Jewish Book Carnival

June 2015 Jewish Book Carnival

The June Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, is being hosted Chava Pinchuck at Life is Like a Library, You’ll find links to Jewish book...

May 2015 Jewish Book Carnival

May 2015 Jewish Book Carnival

The May Jewish Book Carnival, a monthly roundup of Jewish literary links from across the blogosphere, is being hosted by Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod at Write Kids Books, at You’ll find links to Jewish...

Pinterest board of Children’s Illustrated Holocaust Books

Via email Children’s picture books and illustrated middle grade fiction and nonfiction about the Holocaust The listings include books that are in print and are available from publishers’ websites: I hope you will...