Jewish Book World Blog

The Incor­rupt­ibles by Dan Slater

The Incor­rupt­ibles by Dan Slater

A True Sto­ry of King­pins, Crime Busters, and the Birth of the Amer­i­can Underworld This harrowing tale of early twentieth century New York reveals the true stories of an immigrant underworld, a secret vice...

The Tribal Challenge by Havatzelet Yahel

The Tribal Challenge by Havatzelet Yahel

Alliances and Confrontations in the Israeli Negev Perspectives on Israel Studies Drawing on a wealth of ethnographic and historical sources, Havatzelet Yahel offers an engaging and sometimes surprising history of Israel’s policy toward Bedouin...

The Apple Argument by Jane Yolen

The Apple Argument by Jane Yolen

Illustrator: Ani­ta Barghi­giani In the Garden of Eden, as soon as God buried Vegetables in the ground, and put Fruits on trees and vines, the Fruits began to argue among themselves. “I am hardiest,”...

Jewishness and Beyond by Miklós Konrád

Jewishness and Beyond by Miklós Konrád

Jewish Conversions in Hungary 1825–1914 Translator: Jason Vincz Studies in Hungarian History Throughout the nineteenth century, Hungary’s government steadily dismantled obstacles that kept its rapidly expanding Jewish communities from enjoying the full benefits of...