Tagged: Columbia University Press

Tears of His­to­ry by Pierre Birn­baum

Tears of His­to­ry by Pierre Birn­baum

The Rise of Polit­i­cal Anti­semitism in the Unit­ed States Translator: Karen San­tos Da Sil­va For many Jews, for more than a century, the United States has seemed to be a safe haven. There has...

Living in Refuge by Leonardo Schiocchet

Living in Refuge by Leonardo Schiocchet

Ritualization and Religiosity in a Christian and a Muslim Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon This comparative ethnography of a Muslim and a Christian Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon focuses on contrasting social belonging processes...

The Femininity Puzzle by Ulrike Brunotte

The Femininity Puzzle by Ulrike Brunotte

Gender, Orientalism and the »Jewish Other« Historical Gender Studies In the Hobsbawmian long 19th century, gender and processes of sexualization and feminization have been crucial in the construction of the Jewish Other. Ulrike Brunotte...

Salo Baron by Rebecca Kobrin

Salo Baron by Rebecca Kobrin (Editor)

The Past and Future of Jewish Studies in America In 1930, Columbia University appointed Salo Baron to be the Nathan L. Miller Professor of Jewish History, Literature, and Institutions―marking a turning point in the...

Klotsvog by Mar­gari­ta Khem­lin

Klotsvog by Mar­gari­ta Khem­lin

Translator: Lisa C. Hayden Foreword: Lara Vapnyar Klotsvog is a novel about being Jewish in the Soviet Union and the historical trauma of World War II―and it’s a novel about the petty dramas and...