Tagged: Ecco

Impos­si­ble Takes Longer by Daniel Gordis

Impos­si­ble Takes Longer by Daniel Gordis

75 Years After Its Cre­ation, Has Israel Ful­filled Its Founders’ Dreams? On Israel’s seventy-fifth anniversary comes a nuanced examination of the country’s past, present, and future, from the two-time National Jewish Book Award–winning author...

The Diary Keep­ers by Nina Sie­gal

The Diary Keep­ers by Nina Sie­gal

World War II in the Nether­lands, as Writ­ten by the Peo­ple Who Lived Through It A riveting look at the story of World War II and the Holocaust through the diaries of Dutch citizens,...

Address Unknown by Kathrine Kress­mann Taylor

Address Unknown by Kathrine Kress­mann Taylor

A rediscovered classic and international bestseller that recounts the gripping tale of a friendship destroyed at the hands of Nazi Germany In this searing novel, Kathrine Kressmann Taylor brings vividly to life the insidious...

The Tenth Muse by Cather­ine Chung

The Tenth Muse by Cather­ine Chung

From the days of her childhood in the 1950s Midwest, Katherine knows she is different, and that her parents are not who they seem. As she matures from a girl of rare intelligence into...

Inappropriation by Lexi Freiman

Inappropriation by Lexi Freiman

Starting at a prestigious private Australian girls’ school, fifteen-year-old Ziggy Klein is confronted with an alienating social hierarchy that hurls her into the arms of her grade’s most radical feminists. Tormented by a burgeoning...