Tagged: Jewish Book Council

Mazel­tov by Eli Zuzovsky

Mazel­tov by Eli Zuzovsky

In a glorious debut, a boy confronts queer lust, shame, the threat of war, and the plague of family on the day he becomes a man At a banquet hall, at the onset of...

Baila the Klopper by Jen­nifer Tzivia MacLeod

Baila the Klopper by Jen­nifer Tzivia MacLeod

Illustrator: Shirley Wais­man Every morning, Baila klops (Yiddish for “bangs”) on all the village doors to wake people up so they get to synagogue on time. At each house she sings, “Get up! It’s early, but...

Next Stop by Ben­jamin Resnick

Next Stop by Ben­jamin Resnick

For readers of Leave the World Behind and Exit West, an astonishingly resonant novel that explores the precariousness of Jewish American life through one family after a black hole consumes the State of Israel and similar strange...